Starting 3 July and ending 23 July (with an option for people to cox with City over the summer if they want)

Coxing workshops delivered by qualified coaches and highly experienced coxes on:

  • steering the bumps, side by side regattas, multi-lane races and on the Tideway
  • calls and crew psychology
  • safety
  • boat rigging and maintenance
  • working with coaches and being the in-boat coach

Each cox given a crew for the Town Bumps to practice their skills

Places are limited and anyone interested should get in touch with by 29 June with a brief description of their coxing background and goals.  Successful applicants will hear by 1 July.
At the end coxes should be able to return to their college knowing that they have significantly increased their skill are “bumps ready” for the 2022 Lent and May Bumps.